10th September 2024

Search Leicester Forest East Parish Council

Representing and promoting the interests and the well being of the parish

Local Council Award Scheme Quality Foundation

Parish Councillor Recruitment

Are you passionate about Leicester Forest East? If so, consider becoming a Parish Councillor!

About the Council

The Parish Council owns, and is responsible for maintaining, Forest East Park, the playing fields, Parish Hall and Spider Park & Spinney. With an annual budget of around £200,000 the Parish Council aims to make Leicester Forest East a better place to live and to promote the wellbeing of residents.

Council meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month. Committee meetings are on the first Tuesday of the month.

Meet the Council

From left to right: Councillor Dawes, Councillor Bozzoni, Councillor Darlison, Councillor Kitchen, Councillor Di Palma and Counillor Wells.

Meet the Council Staff

From left to Right - Bev (Premises Officer), Holly (Clerk and RFO), Leigh-Ann (Assistant Clerk and Assistant RFO)

Bev inspects the parks for safety and cleans the parish hall.

Holly is a CiLCA-qualified Clerk and is the legal and policy advisor to the Parish Council. She also manages the Council's staff and has overall responsibility for ensuring Council decisions are implemented.

Leigh-Ann manages the Council's accounts and the financial aspects of running the Council. She also manages the hall hire bookings.

Eligibility Criteria

To stand for election you must be:

• A UK or Commonwealth citizen; or be a citizen of the Republic of Ireland; or be a citizen of another Member State of the European Union

• At least 18 years old

• An elector of the local council; or in the past 12 months occupied land or other premises in the area the local council serves (as owner or tenant); or work in the area local council serves (as your principal or only place of work); or live within three miles of the local council boundary

Parish Council Achievements

Over the past few years the Parish Council has achieved a lot for the residents of the Parish. A brand new multi-use games area was installed, new play equipment has been installed at Spider Park and the Picnic in the Park is fast becoming an annual event!

For More Info:

Contact Holly on 0116 239 0039 / clerk@lfeparishcouncil.org.uk or read the Good Councillor Guide:

Last updated: Thu, 06 Jun 2024 15:05