10th September 2024

Search Leicester Forest East Parish Council

Representing and promoting the interests and the well being of the parish

Local Council Award Scheme Quality Foundation

Financial Information

Financial Regulations

These are the Financial Regulations of Leicester Forest East Parish Council.

They are reviewed annually.

Statement of Estimated Expenditure & Precept Request 2017/18

Statement of Estimated Expenditure & Precept Request 2018/19

Statement of Estimated Expenditure & Precept Request 2019/20

Monthly Expenditure 2020/2021

Fixed Asset Register

AGAR 2017/2018

AGAR 2018/2019

AGAR 2019/2020

AGAR 2020/2021

AGAR 2021/2022

AGAR 2022/2023

AGAR 2023/2024


Transparency Code 2015

The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 (the code) came into effect on 1 April 2015. The code is issued by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government in exercise of powers under section 2 of the Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980, and replaces any previous codes issued in relation to authorities in England under those powers.

The code does not replace or supersede the existing framework for access to and re-use of public sector information provided by the: Freedom of Information Act 2000 (as amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012)
Environmental Information Regulations 2004, Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005, Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community regulations 2009, Sections 25 and 26 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 which provides rights for persons to inspect a local authority's accounting records and supporting documentation, and to make copies of them.

Leicester Forest East Parish Council meets the definition of a local authority covered by the requirements of the code, defined as 'a Parish Council which has gross annual income or expenditure (whichever is higher) exceeding £200,000'.

The code requires local authorities in England to publish the following information:

Expenditure Exceeding ยฃ500.00

For the purposes of increased transparency, Leicester Forest East Parish Council has chosen to publish all items of expenditure.

Procurement Information

Local Authority Land

Grants to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Organisations

Organisation Chart


Local authorities are already required to make their constitution documents available for inspection at their offices under section 9P of the Local Government Act 2000. Local authorities must also, under the code, publish their constitution on their website.

Please check individual constitution documents for review dates.

Pay Multiple

The Transparency Code 2015 requires that local authorities publish the pay multiple on their website, defined as the ratio between the highest paid taxable earnings for the given year (including base salary, variable pay, bonuses, allowances and the cash value of any benefits-in-kind) and the median earnings figure of the whole of the authority's workforce. The measure must:

  • Cover all the elements of remuneration that can be valued
  • Use the median earnings figure as the denominator, which should be that of all employees of the local authority on a fixed date each year, coinciding with reporting at the end of the financial year
  • Exclude changes in pension benefits, which due to their variety and complexity cannot be accurately included in a pay multiple disclosure


  • Number of employees: 3
  • Gross up part time salaries to full time equivalent
  • Divide Clerk's full time equivalent salary by median full time equivalent salary

Leicester Forest East Parish Council's pay Multiple is 1:1.08

Reviewed April 2024.

Waste Contracts

  • Waste Contracts (Word Document, 180 Kb)

    Reviewed April 2024

    The waste contract no longer includes litter picking so it falls below the £5,000 threshold (as at April 2024). Therefore, the new waste contract has not been published.

Items Not Applicable to Leicester Forest East Parish Council

The following requirements under the Code do not apply to Leicester Forest East Parish Council, so it has no information to publish:

  • Governement Procurement Card Contract Transactions - Leicester Forest East Parish Council does not hold any Government Procurement Cards.
  • Social housing assets – Leicester Forest East Parish Council does not hold any housing stock.
  • Trade union facility time – Leicester Forest East Parish Council has no staff who are trade union representatives.
  • Parking account – Leicester Forest East Parish Council has no chargeable parking.
  • Parking spaces - Leicester Forest East Parish Council has no controlled parking spaces.
  • Fraud – Leicester Forest East Parish Council has no staff engaged in fraud investigation work.
  • Senior Salaries - Leicester Forest East Parish Council has no members of staff whose salary exceeds £50,000.

Reviewed May 2024.

Last updated: Thu, 05 Sep 2024 11:09