19th September 2024

Search Leicester Forest East Parish Council

Representing and promoting the interests and the well being of the parish

Local Council Award Scheme Quality Foundation

Displaying 1 to 19 of 19

Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting 7th January 2020

Minutes from the Finance Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 29th October 2019

Draft Minutes of the Planning, Trees and Highways Committee Meeting on 8th October 2019.

Agenda Parks Hall and Events Committee Meeting Tuesday 8th October 2019

Agenda for the Planning, Trees and Highways Committee Meeting on Tuesday 8th October 2019.

Minutes of the Parks, Hall and Events Committee Meeting Tuesday 10th September 2019

Minutes from the Planning, Trees and Highways Committee Meeting 10th September 2019 at 7.00pm.

Minutes of the Planning, Trees and Highways Committee Meeting held on 9th July at 7.00pm

Agenda Planning, Trees and Highways Committee Meeting 10.09.2019

Agenda Parks, Hall and Events Committee Meeting 10.09.2019

Draft Minutes Finance Committee Meeting 31/07/2019 at 7.00pm

Draft Minutes from the Planning, Trees and Highways Committee Meeting 09/07/2019.

Agenda of the Finance Committee Meeting 7pm 31/07/2019

Agenda Parks, Hall and Events Committee Meeting 11/06/2019 7.30pm

Agenda Parks, Hall and Events Committee Meeting Agenda 09/07/2019 7.30pm.

Minutes from the Planning, Trees and Highways Committee Meeting 11th June 2019.

Minutes from the Planning, Trees and Highways Committee Meeting 9th July 2019.

Draft Minutes from the Planning, Trees and Highways Committee meeting held on 11/06/2019.

Draft Minutes of the Parks, Hall & Events Committee meeting held on 11/06/2019.