10th September 2024

Search Leicester Forest East Parish Council

Representing and promoting the interests and the well being of the parish

Local Council Award Scheme Quality Foundation



The items shown in BOLD against the above Committees are powers delegated to the Committee and, therefore, do not require full Council approval.

Please note that:
1. All LFEPC’s Committees are Standing Committees.
2. As per the Financial Regulations, any spend over £5,000 needs to be approved by full Council.

Finance & Policies Committee Terms of Reference:

  • To consider spending proposals from other committees and make recommendations to full council at their January meeting for the Budget for the following financial year including the level of Precept.
  • To incur expenditure in accordance with the approved budget on the following:

Administration, Contingency Monies, Salaries, Pensions, Insurance, Audit Fees, Miscellaneous Expenditure.

  • To introduce Policies as appropriate and to submit recommendations to full council.
  • To review performance against the budget regularly throughout the year.

Parks, Hall, Events & LiFE Magazine Committee Terms of Reference:

  • To consider requests for the lease and use of land and buildings within the Committees control.
  • To submit spending proposals to the Finance Committee for budget purposes for the following financial year.
  • To review fees and charges annually and submit recommendations to full council.
  • To incur expenditure in accordance with the approved budget on the following:


Parish Hall maintenance, electricity, gas, water, cleaning materials, telephone costs for the parish hall, annual inspection of the pump in the car park, security services.

Parks & Recreation:

Park and playground maintenance, equipment repairs, surface repairs, provision of dog

waste bins and collection of dog waste from the bins in the park, trees.


To submit spending proposals to the Finance Committee for budget purposes for the following financial year.

To incur expenditure in accordance with the approved budget on the following:

All costs involved with providing Events for the parish.

LiFE Magazine:

To incur expenditure in accordance with the approved budget on:

All costs involved with providing the Parish magazine.

Planning, Trees & Highways Committee Terms of Reference:

  • To consider planning applications received from the District Council and agree the Council's response unless, in the opinion of the Chair of the Committee (or the Vice-Chair in his/her absence) an application raises issues which in his/her opinion ought to be considered by full council.
  • To consider Local Development Framework proposals or consultations and other local Authority or central government planning policy proposals or consultations received by the Council and submit recommendations thereon to Council.
  • To consider proposals or consultations from other bodies in relation to highways and trees on the highways and submit responses on behalf of the Council.
  • To submit spending proposals to the Finance Committee for budget purposes for the following financial year.
  • To continue finalisation of Neighbourhood Development Plan until completion.
  • To incur expenditure in accordance with the approved budget on the following:

Notice Boards, Floral/Christmas Lighting Arrangements, Street Litter Picking and any other items relating to Planning, Trees & Highway matters.

Staffing & Appeals Committee Terms of Reference:

  • The Staffing and Appeals Committee is to consist of the Chair of the Council, the Vice-Chair of the Council plus the Chairs of any other Council Committees.
  • To consider the terms and conditions of the employment of Council staff including reviewing and updating job descriptions, conditions of service (including health and safety of staff), working arrangements, job specifications, job evaluations, reviewing staffing levels, recruitment of staff where necessary, the Clerk's appraisal (including objective setting) and reviewing salary grades where appropriate. In addition, the Committee will consider any other matters relating to the employment of Council staff. Recommendations on these matters will then be made to the full Council.
  • To keep under review the Council's Policies which relate to the employment of staff including Grievance Policy, Disciplinary Policy, Health and Safety Policy, Training Policy, Complaints Policy, Vexatious Complaints Policy and the Pension & Retirement Policy, and to recommend any changes to Council as are considered necessary to reflect legal requirements and necessary amendments as appropriate.
  • To receive, interpret and hear grievances under the Council's grievance procedure as appropriate. To investigate and determine disciplinary matters under the Council's disciplinary procedure as appropriate. This includes to receive and investigate complaints relating to members of Council staff.

The Committees' Terms of Reference were reviewed March 2024

Last updated: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 13:34